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A New Me! A New You!

Heyyyyy girl hey! Happy new year and welcome to 2018. We are officially 1 week into the new year, the first 18 days have come and gone. How about those new year resolutions? Are we still doing those?

I've let go of the long-standing tradition of coming up with some plans for the year that were quite lofty and worthwhile yet unrealistic all at the same time. Instead, I have shifted my focus to what took place in the last year and year before! I would like to focus my attention on and commit to during the next 365 days.

In my 2018 new year, The New Me question is this…which are you, just involved or fully committed to Living Your Best Life Ever?

During these snow days I've been graced to see, I sat and reflected on 2017 and my own life story or scenario. As I journeyed from January through the summer, into the fall and finished up in December….wow, what a journey. In every area of my life, I experienced phenomenal growth, was placed before new audiences and was privileged to walk through doors truly only the God Himself could have opened. For the next 365 days of growth, whole life change, abundance of joy, love and peace that I had experienced, follows 357 days of challenges.

But now on the other side of these 357 days, it occurred to me that what I am ultimately committed to is seeing the promises God flourish.

And that is how life truly flows............

There are ups and downs, challenging moments and times followed by seasons of great joy.

I’m not tooting my own horn for the level of commitment I had to push through those tough days, rather, my goal is to encourage other Winning Chics to remain just that in 2018…Committed and a Winner!

Take the Good with the Bad! The joy with the pain and to be grateful to God that we were able to move through all of it…with our head held high, shoulders back... in our weakness, yet standing in our strengths! You Go Girl, Your a Winner!

Shannan Cherry

The New Me!

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