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You are Worth the Wait!

Let’s be honest — we all hate waiting. That’s why technology and all of the other modern conveniences are designed to give us everything faster.

There’s fast food, fast delivery, fast service. Instant gratification has become the norm.

But, the best things in life require a little patience.

We are all waiting for something. Yours could be a promotion at work. Someone else may be waiting to find love. And another person still could be waiting for news on a huge opportunity. And I know sometimes it feels like life would be so much easier if it was like a book and we could just skip to the last page to find out the ending.

But think about everything we would miss if life worked that way. The faith that gives us the strength to push through each day without knowing how things will turn out. The hope that allows us to dream beyond our current circumstances, and appreciation for where you are right now in spite of everything you’ve had to overcome.

Over the last several months, my peace has been challenge at work and at home. My life has been undergoing some changes to help us serve you better. And even though the process has been a bit of a wait, I am excited to let you know I am ready.

The journey is intentional. It’s where we learn, where we uncover how much we have to be grateful for, and it’s where we do the work to live the life we were meant to live.

Embrace the wait because it is totally worth it.

I am Worth the Wait!


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