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Girl, Don't You Dare Stop Loving Yourself!

The moment you realized your worth, you became unstoppable and will never feel the pain of being inferior again. You know your worth because you have survived your story and bloomed the pain and suffering it had caused you into strength. The time you spent soul-searching was all worth is because you finally allowed yourself to find yourself and the worth that circulates powerfully throughout you. The moment you finally realized what you are worthy of and recognized how amazing you are was the moment you became alive. You had fought, fought relentlessly to become the woman you are today, the battle you fought so courageously is what makes the recognition of your self-worth so beautiful. Your battle didn’t damage you but it did leave its scars on you. Before, you hid those scars in shame while you now embrace them and preach how the pain of the scars created the breathtakingly confident woman you have fought so passionately to become today.

You love yourself enough to make your happiness a priority and accept yourself for the damaged but confident woman that you

are. This doesn’t mean you don’t spend every waking second trying to better yourself, but you spend everyday falling more in love with the beautiful soul that you are. You radiate strength, confidence and inspiration to everyone you encounter without even recognizing it and that my friend is the beauty of knowing your worth.

Don’t you dare ever stop loving yourself!

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