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Isaiah 43:19 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Spring Up! I'm 44.... right now there is so much SPRINGING UP in my life. A newness growing from the inside out. And yes I perceived it! Do you?

So many times we seek the outer for completion of the inner. The church would usually go in right here with God is doing a new thing! And He is! I am coming from stance of YOU WILL REAP IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP! (Gal.6:9). This speaks to the person from all walks of life. We all desire New things, but we all can't afford them or don't know we need them. I've met several people with wants and desires, yet I never saw myself clearly as one of them..... my Spring Up moment began when I left my marriage of 12 years, home and walked away from ministry: that was the most fearful moment of my entire life. 2 years later, I've never turned

back, never looked back or desired that life again. There have been times I just cried wondering if I did the right thing. As I stand here today, I can say was the best thing I could have done. "Winning Chics" would have never been birth had I not left. My newness would not be present if I had not left. In the wilderness, as the scripture stated, is where I found myself! Don't look at your Wilderness Experience as all bad... Learn from it, Grow from it, Spring Up from it!

Winning Chic!

Your Worth It!



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