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Letting Go of the Past!

God uses EVERYTHING to grow us up! Even the storms we have created OURSELVES!

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,” the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1.

At times, I try to figure out the rhyme or reason behind some of the seasons I have found myself in and the ones I see that others are in. I can tell you is that whatever difficult situation you find yourself in today, it’s only a season, not a lifelong sentence. Think about it like this, winter is about to pass, and in comes spring. Look at your situation the same way. Your current season will past as well. Don't you dare Give Up in this season.Stop looking at how far you have to go instead of how far you have come.

Over the last 2 years, I have known huge heartbreaks, financial struggle, losing everything and having to start over, and a hellish divorce experience. Each one of these trials lasted years. But all of them are now history. Yes, they were long, but they were only for a season. They taught me valuable lessons. They made me who I am today because I decided to get better and not bitter. I decided to look within and let God expose the hidden ugly places so that I could be made whole and walk into my purpose free. I wouldn’t trade one of those seasons either. I discovered that you grow so much more in wisdom and understanding through the stormy seasons.

Picture this..You are driving,, the rain is coming down so hard you can’t see in front of you. It causes you to slow down and take your time. That’s the same thing that happens in the spiritual realm when you are in a storm. We slow down and begin to pay attention to things more carefully, things we wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the storm in our lives.. YESSSSSSS... Remember that God is God in all seasons.

Your past is just that...YOUR PAST! Let it Go, Forgive and Move on! Stop fighting and Start focusing on yourself. No Revenge, it causes more pain and malice that you don't need! Let the storm pass, in the midst of the storm, learn from it. Learn what not to do AGAIN! Position yourself for Growth, for Exposure to new things, and lastly FREEDOM from it all!

This season your in is called.... Maturity! Don't be angry, because Joy is your strength, don't give that away so easily! Let the past say right there, IN THE PAST! Time to move on! No one should ever have that power to break you, expose you or discredit you!

I see this season ending... get ready for the next one.. The sun shines more in this season that's coming. Everything began to change.

Let it Go!

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