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Fix the problem.. not the blame!

Who are you blaming today.... You cannot fix the problem if your consumed with fixing the blame! You must choose between the two!

I'm learning it requires a lot of patience when it comes to deciding which you will do. (Fix the problem or keep blaming) One thing for certain, if you keep blaming, you will never get the opportunity to evaluate yourself. When there is a fight or disagreement, there are two parties present. One has to be right and the other wrong. Blame will allow the disagreement to continue. Or if you both choose to work on the problem you might just see a resolve. In a relationship, who cares who's right, let's just "FIX THE PROBLEM"! I speak from experience.When your always blaming, no one can get a word in for Understanding. It becomes a room full of noise.

Let's get away from blaming, and began to Fix the Problem!

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