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#NotMoved it's only a season!

Looking out my window. Normally it would be a bright sunny warm day for April but it's cold! Days like this have a tendency to make me tired, sad and low energized. After all my mom has encountered over the weekend, I have to be intentional about ruling my emotions instead of letting my emotions rule me.

I am thinking of this as I write to you about life and its many seasons. Sometimes, life can be warm and sunny like summertime; sometimes, it’s bitterly cold like the winter; at other times it’s very stormy; and sometimes it’s exhilarating like the newness of fall. Sometimes these various seasons are long and sometimes they seem too short. So what is the season of your life these days?

The seasons in our life are not a coincidence.

God uses EVERYTHING to grow us up. Even the storms we create ourselves. While some of the seasons in our life are self-induced, others are allowed or even ordained by God.“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,” the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1.

At times, I try to figure out the rhyme or reason behind some of the seasons I have found myself in and the ones I see that others are in. But to tell you the truth, some of them are negative and some positive. It would be great if we could make a plan to implement that would guarantee us that our life would be continuous bliss but we can’t because the Bible says otherwise.

But what I can tell you is that whatever difficult situation you find yourself in today, it’s only a season, not a lifelong sentence. Just as the winter has just passed, and spring has come, your current season will pass as well. Don’t you dare give up. Stop looking at how far you have to go instead of how far you have come.

Remember that God is God in all seasons. He has not gone on strike or vacation. He does see what you are going through. He knows your limits, and will not subject you to any season longer than He has equipped you to weather.

No matter what season of life we find ourselves in, Know that you are a WINNER!

One thing I know without a doubt is that you will always make it through what you are going through if you don’t quit. You don’t fail by falling, you fail by quitting. I believe that you are headed

into the greatest season of your life. Breakthrough is coming because what you went though didn’t break you.

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