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Living a Life You Love!

How do you feel about your life? Would you say you LOVE it? Or do you just get through each day, enduring the things you don't want to do, wishing you had someone else life? Do you beliece you will finally be happy someday.... when you have this or that?

I pulled those question from Joyce Meyers. I had to sit back and look at the woman in the mirror.

Most of the time we base our happiness on things and people. Like, When I get married, I'll be happy when I have a different job. (My favorite) lol. The truth is, we'll always find something to be unhappy about until we learn to be happy with your self and the Lord.

If you unhappy and want to LOVE your life. I want to give you just a few nuggets I learned.

1. make an attitude adjustment... having a negative, critical attitude and feeling sorry for ourselves sours everything.

2. have a proper perspective...loving or hating a thing often comes down to how you look at it.

3. don't compare your life with someone's else life.... don't compare yourself with others who have different lifestyles.

I've learned 'It's a mistake for us to go through life thinking we can't be happy until we have something we want or our circumstance changes".

Winning Chic

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