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What Are You? Besides Pretty

So often we look at the beauty of everyone's perfectly lit photo's, or perfectly filtered stories and try to duplicate the "pretty" of other women. Pretty is such a wonderful attribute but there are so many other amazing qualities that we can be identified by. Chasing pretty and everyday's new definition of it is a never ending battle, race, lie or story. What are the amazing qualities you were given to share with the world.

Social media has changed the way we process each others worth. If it isn't visual, it isn't valuable. Let's undress that lie today! Your Worth is more than just a picture or what someone says. Your worth is defined by your creator. Your beauty(pretty) is given from the inside out. When life was given, the beauty(pretty) we see when a child is born, has nothing to do with looks at first. Its the beauty(pretty) that there's life and the child is well. Embrace your beauty(pretty) before anyone can ever put there opinion on you. If you were created by God, Your Beautiful point blank period!

Your so Pretty!

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