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I know that’s not what it means but that’s what it felt like for many years. It wasn’t til recently that I’ve dropped that weight from my shoulders. It took a ripping and a tearing away, but God knows how to get your attention.

Releasing yourself from people’s opinions and ideas gave me the comfort of my own thoughts, likes, dislikes and dreams. I’d forgotten them for a while. So busy waiting for permission. Asking for permission for my every own voice and move stifled my growth as a person, woman and most of all a Christian. I was asking God to open up His floodgates over my life, yet Image, Acceptance and Reputation was so much in the way. It was such a part of who I was and how I lived my life. I wouldn’t go places with out making sure I looked good enough by others. I wouldn’t say everything in my heart of fear of being misunderstood or misquoted. I lived in a constant state of fear…. I was afraid to loose my IMAGE because so many were looking. It has been replaced now with TRUE ACCEPTANCE. My biggest fear was "rejection".

When I finally realized what my biggest fear was “Rejection”. I finally realized how much pressure I was putting myself under in order to please and receive permission. It’s incredible what life lessons we learn from life experiences. I am now experiencing more freedom now that I was before. I have now, a peace of mind that I’ve needed for such a long time. Sometimes facing our fears helps us climb over them. I’ve faced rejection head on. My confidence is in God like never before. IMAGE is something many chase. I believe its kind of bondage if your aren’t careful. It was bondage for me. Letting my guard down might mean you seeing me in my most natural form one day and absolutely loving it.

Freedom from IMAGE!

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