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Let's talk about the D Word!

Growth begins when you face the unfaceable! You dig deep within you and start to pull out the Ugly. You talk about things you never thought you would even speak. Well today "LET'S TALK ABOUT DIVORCE"!

I have been married twice and divorced twice! The first marriage I ended with me moving out of my own home that I owned. It was my childhood home. We dated for a short period of time and then married. He had just gotten a divorce from his second wife. Moving forward to my second marriage, we dated for a short period of time and then married. He had just gotten out of a marriage too. Wow, the pattern begins. Between the two, I never took time out to deal with me, adjust me, fix me and heal me. Between the two men there were similarities. Both thought very highly of themselves, yet when you got closer you could see the truth behind the smile. Church played a huge part in my decision making!

As I write, I understand now how we as christians can get so caught up in the outer courts of a person denying the inner courts where the heart lives and the growth is seen. As it pertains to the D Word that we are so scared to speak as christians, Divorced didn't have to be the end results. Discovering this, comes from maturity, growth, excepting your responsibility. Nothing that you know doesn't come with you learning how to work it, function in it or how to move it.

Divorced comes right at the heart of a learning experience. It comes when its RAW, Childhood issues are right before you and you don't want to do the work to fix it, its the time when the lesson is there and you choose not to deal with it and walk away!

If you are thinking of Divorce, allow this blog to help you reconsider!

But remember there is life after Divorce!

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