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She thought that she was just one opinion, one lie, one truth away from having the most vulnerable parts of her life exposed. Her fear convinced her to hide away. Her disguise was the lie she told herself and the truth she was unwilling to face. She was so afraid...…….

She caved into the pressure to be like everyone else and robbed the world of her greatness assigned to her truth. She was a lonely girl, that girl I use to be, but no one would never know it because she wore a mask so popular that it eventually became her worst enemy.

No longer a Victim … a person who is hurt, tortured or put down by another, yet a Victorious Winning Chic!

My willingness to look back and dig up roots in fear, with knees trembling afforded me to now walk in total FREEDOM. I faced many memories that made me feel shame. The problem with avoiding the lessons of our past is that were bound to repeat them in the future.

This year, I am taking the necessary steps to continue to grow and blossom. This is IT'S PERSONAL. As you continue to follow and read my blogs, I advise you to get pen and paper and journal with us as you walk into TOTAL FREEDOM!

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